Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Day 2 too good to be true

wow... I guess I am learning. new to blogging but excited to be sharing my journey and have a place to track my thoughts! I have been a professional dieter for 20 years! am a true believer that ANY plan you go on can work. You just need to follow it right! well, I am on day 2 of Jenny Craig! Yes I called Jenny! I have done it all and been successful at some just to gain it back. What brought me to this program was I need someone else to do the leg work and plan for me right now. I have many irons in the fire and having to add constant prep of "diet" food just wasn't working! so here I am. I guess I will share a little about myself incase anyone actually reads this :0)

40 / divorced / 2 great kids / finishing masters in teaching / still recovering from ACL surgery November of 2006 / just want to be healthy and not work so hard at being fat! / could get into the whole deep reasons for the weight but I'll save that for another blog! I have some doozy stories to share.... maybe...

hope that made sense. it is hard work to be fat... and I am tired of it, so if I have to work hard because I carry all this extra weight around I might as well work hard at losing it. In my 20 year career of losing weight I have only had this resolve one other time and I was very successful at taking the weight off... and then I got pregnant! the rest is history. I am a mad woman when I am pregnant! but considering I no longer have the parts to have more children I no longer have that worry.

so here is my plan since I have over 100 lbs to lose... I am taking it 25 lbs. at a time. I am excited to blog and record my progress and hopefully I can learn how to attach a picture soon!! my motto: I would rather wear what I want then eat what I want!

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