Thursday, August 23, 2007

Chat Brats Unite!

so I have been on an exercise kick and it all makes sense because it has been about 3 full weeks now and it is becoming habit and routine and part of my life to get some workout it... but in the JC chat room a few of us have decided to challenge each other with exercise and the blog of Chat Brats was born. I am very excited for the ring of support this creates and to go thru this with others who have walked in your shoes is more than anyone can ask for! I am still having success with the program but have quite a challenge ahead of me for tomorrow as I am dining with friends at MEXICAN FOOD.... one of my favorites! but I have a plan as my breakfast calls for adding an ounce of meat and my dinner gives me 4 ounces of meat, I will save those and have 5 ounces of pollo asada, which I believe translates to grilled chicken... and one tortilla and lots of pico de gallo and no chips! chips not worth the starch and fat would rather spend it on the tortilla! I don't fear the dining out until the smell of the fajitas and guacamole! LOL....

well...dinner and treadmill are calling my name ~ til'later


J Duarte said...

Awww take me! I love Mexican Food. HaHa. It's ok to eat out, I do it at least 1 to 2 times a week. Pollo Asado is healthy, add some veggies to that plate and it will fill you up. Good luck tonight!

Cathy said...

thanks j d ~ I will do just that. have a game plan and plan to stick to it!