Wednesday, October 24, 2007

10 days later

I am still here and still trucking along. I had my trainer friend take a look at my knee (the good one) it has been hurting like I tore something... but it is from all the over compensation I do on the good knee for the bad knee. basically I am setting myself up for a lot of worry down the line, with back/hip/leg issues if I don't get the bad knee in better shape...AND the treadmill is not the best for my knee, so I will be headed to the pool...uugghh... bathing suit! but I am about 3 weeks away from my 1 year anniversary of the knee injury and I still limp and pay the price if I sit too long!!

so...other than those complaints, I am on a break from school should start here in a couple of weeks. I really have to get that done and organized so I can move on with my life here.

I have had to stop buying JC food for now to prepare for Christmas and get back on my feet. Buying the condo soon, so all extra $$ must be accounted for. I went to lean cuisine .com and they put together a menu for you. I still will go to see my consultant, but buy LC instead of JC as it is much cheaper, especially on coupons! and I can be a bargain betty when need be.

good to check in again. I need to get back to this daily!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

ready willing and able

feeling that fire burning again more and more... have goals, aspirations and desires that all include getting the "fluff" off! ate off program yesterday, and except for the very dry cake my mom and I shared at Mitzels, ate pretty good. Back on full 100% JC today and enjoying it!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

week 10 updates

so... I FINALLY officially hit the 20lb mark. I have lost a total of 21.5lbs! yeah me... I am thrilled, excited and refocused for another 20 lbs off... hopefully faster than 10 weeks though...

not too much to update on other than the weight loss and me getting my poop in a group. I guess stay tuned incase something exciting comes along and I will report in!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

what a difference a day makes

so I have been fighting this rut / I am homecoming poor... trying to recoup from spending too much on the gown - flowers - dinner and such ... BUT I had a bit of a wake up call today as I have been made aware of something... (yes talking in code... but for those of you in "the loop" you get it)... I needed this swift kick in the ass to get moving. I do know this is for me, but it also can play a role in what lies ahead for me too and I needed that reminder and *hope*... we'll see where it goes.

all I know is I am coming back with a vengance and ready to go!

Monday, October 8, 2007

here I am

I have not given up the battle, just been absent from it. Life has been so hectic with school and I have such a hard time finishing a class I have focused on that for the most part. Okay there probably was a few days I laid on the couch and watched reality TV. But I have filled up the freezer with the food I need to eat, I have got my mind wrapped back around what I set out to do. I enjoyed my day off yesterday with a wonderful brunch yesterday on the waterfront... Fresh crab - dipped in melted butter... I did eat some veggies and a great apple salad... and ok, I'll admit it! I had 1 strawberry, 1 pineapple, 1 chunck of biscotti dipped in the chocolate fountain. Where we were seated I put myself up against the wall so I could not have easy access to constantly fill up my plate. I did pretty well with that stratedgy! So I am ready for the next 20 to come off and it is time to get serious again and put up those blinders and take myself away from tempting places. My bloggin buddies both did 5K's this last weekend and I am so proud of them!!!
oh... I have not weighed in for two weeks now! I had to cancel 2 sunday's ago because I was so sick, and then they cancelled on me yesterday!!! so I think I will again change my weigh ins to Friday during my lunch time then I can come back to work and fill my freezer up here with my food!!
just wanted to check in, fess up, be accountable...

Monday, October 1, 2007

finding blessings and finding focus

Here I am at work ... eehhh hhuuhh... waiting for the phone to ring really...

anyways, in all seriousness, I am so blessed to be part of a support group thru blogging that I keep in touch with. This is a special group that truly seems to care for each other and our successes and "bumps in the road". It is that unconditional support and although it has always been wonderful and nice and all it really hit me this morning how blessed I really am by it. It makes me want to work harder for myself and for the team we have built. No one really knows what it is like to have a large amount of weight to loose unless you have walked in those shoes. Having to lose any amount of weight bonds people, but the true struggle and the fact that your lifestyle MUST change to be successful I believe can bond those who have more to lose on a different level. Maybe I am just being sentimental or over processing my feelings right now... all I know is being judged for who I am and not what I eat, don't eat, want to eat, have eaten is a good feeling. So I start October with a vengance and ready to see a real weight loss for this month so I reach those goals of a cute swimsuit for Hawaii, lessen the fear of heart disease and diabetes!!! and to get on those rollercoasters and airplanes worry free! It is those small things in life that seem to add up!!