Thursday, September 27, 2007

fighting to stay fit... or get fit

been 9 weeks on the program and I am fighting to keep the fighting spirit...well, I have the fighting spirit but I am not doing as well as I was in tayloring my life style around healthy life style choices and I need to get better at that... with that said, I have spent a small fortune on my daughters homecoming dress and tanning appointments so she doesn't look like casper the friendly ghost in the gown she will be wearing... ssssoooooo, I will be planning my own meals next week and have a big goal to be successful on those pesky scales to prove to myself that I am capable of making right choices and not having to depend on the "expensive food" motivation factor! I am really looking forward to the opportunity to make it work! I will keep ya'll posted on my efforts AND my success!

Monday, September 24, 2007

hard work pays off

I weighed in on Sunday and lost SIX POUNDS! I have to say that I did have an off JC day following my weigh in but according to the scales this a.m. it did not cost me any gain... so back on the program full force today and the goal of the week is to get my veggies in. I don't eat a whole lot of those. just ate the SW Chx burrito... YUCK! won't be having that again. I think I am too much of a taco lover to eat this mystery burrito!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the scales don't lie

well I had my first major bump in the road. took about a three day vacay from JC food and gained 5 lbs... well 8 lbs... to prove it. Had lost about 3 lbs prior to the vacation from frozen food, gained that back plus 5 more. I have since lost 7 lbs so it gets me to wondering if the scales were off? I gained and lost a chunk of weight in less than a week? something doesn't seem right with that? anywhoo.. lesson learned! I call it my days to recharge the lifestyle batteries. I am back on it and enjoying it again. I guess it was the break I needed and didn't pay too high of a price since I have since taken it off. Working out is going good. I get a work out at least every 2 days if not every other day. sometimes it is difficult when I am not getting home until 8:30 or 9:00.

So I guess the moral of the story today is to get back on the horse, don't let bumps in the road become sink holes, and just keep working at it. I keep going back to how hard I have to work just to do "normal" stuff because of all the extra lbs. I pack around, I might as well work hard to get rid of it!

onward my peeps!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

the battle of the cheesecake.....

so last night was my face off with my cousin's famous cheesecake... the only cheesecake I love! I had a small sized average piece if that makes sense...

but.... I have not ate a whole lot of JC food since Thursday (today is Sunday)... I justified this as "recharging" my JC batteries. I weigh in in a few hours so we will see what the damage is but I feel ready to go again. Not that I neccessarily lost focus, because in those off days, I made some really bad choices, but to my credit I made some decent choices as well...but I am ready for the next 20 to come off. at the party last night I still felt a bit on the outside looking in and I know my weight has everything to do with that. I finally did loosen up a bit and sang a tune or two on the karoke. My cousin and I do a great rendition of Love Shack but my sis (karoke DJ) did not have it so we had to settle for I Got You Babe... we rocked it.

anywhoo... as I was sitting on the outside looking in at times last night I realized that I don't want to be that girl. I want to be the one that is comfortable and that really can come at any weight, so I think it is an internal thing and not an image that others project on me, but one I hold myself to.

Today I have found that internal drive that maybe has been missing for the last couple of weeks. I was starting to go thru the motions with JC, although I have been exercising more (possibly the reason for my success over the last couple of weeks) but I am ready for the full package again and it almost feels like I am ready to start a "new" program at JC.

I have goals and am on a mission to reach those... professionally - personally - and all in between.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

progress update

I have had a good week and am looking forward to recording the success on the scales come Sunday. I do have a birthday party to get thru this weekend but right now I am so motivated to tow the line because the scales have been so good to me since Monday!! All in all no complaints. I have been amping up the walking thanks to my exercise buddies. so that is about it for me for right now, wish me luck in the cheesecake battle I will face on Saturday. It is not a matter of if I will eat some, it is a matter of how much I will eat of it. Can I stick to a small portion or will the goodness of it overcome my will power???? stay tuned....

here is an updated cell phone photo shoot picture

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'll never forget

A day I will always remember and honor those who lost their lives, and for those risking their lives and for those who support all of our troops and President. I am a proud American and proud of my President. I hung our flag proudly this morning and am wearing our country colors today and have already shed tears for those who never came home and for those fighting for us here and abroad. No matter where you stand on the issue of homeland safety and the war, set those opinions aside today and say a prayer for all of those affected that they will feel a sense of support and peace in their lives for their sacrifices.

God Bless America

Sunday, September 9, 2007

when it clicks

two days in a row on the treadmill. I feel pretty inspired. my exercise group is really motivating me with their support and their own personal efforts. I feel blessed to have them in my life. I am really ready for a good week with weigh in tomorrow I am hoping for at least 2 lbs off. I have removed the choc. chips from the house and so went the temptation! water water water has been my down fall this week need to get more in.

well I just wanted to report in that the sun is shining in town and in my life right now. I started this process with a feeling that things would click into place and today I got more affirmation of that. I felt a small victory when I could feel the determination coming back in full force. I so much want to be healthy, and yes thinner... but mostly healthy and have a healthy mind frame when it comes to food. I know that I will continue to want the sweets and dinners out but no more will they define my decisions ... maybe it is a move towards not mourning those losses anymore? hmmm... that might have to be ran by the counselor! LOL...

true efforts pay off

Saturday, September 8, 2007

what a difference a day makes

I am feeling tip top today! LOL... ready to go at this 150% again. I have been pretty focused... started off VERY focused and then slipped into the pretty focused mode now I am ready to go guns a-blazing again. I know any progress is better than none... but I want it kicked up a bit and that is only going to happen from 100% JC and 100% effort. I have an abudance of energy this morning which is odd for me... but I'll run with it I guess. My neighbor noticed last night that I was "slimming" down and that felt pretty good so that is always motivating! I brought them a plate full of the sinful dessert I made last night... so rich and gooey, a few tastes is all I had but I have to stop that pattern.

feeling this good is a much better feeling than the sluggish ate too much fast food and sweets feeling. I have to keep reminding myself of this and keep the positive thoughts I started this journey with rolling in my mind!

another day, another journey

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday already???

okay... so I survived the first week of school with my kids. They both are in full swing with their sports and life is so hectic... but I continue to get a lot of family support in my efforts to lose weight. I will admit I have some adjusting to do to get back in the JC mode and not cave in to what I want and what I think I need... but don't... ding dongs, DQ, twix bars!!! aagggghhhhh....

I finally got back on the treadmill tonight and it felt good although my brace for my knee I think needs to be readjusted! have lost some weight since it was fitted to my pudgy little leg!! hmmm... that has to affect it in some way since they measured my leg! anyhoo... as long as it gives the knee the strenght that is not there I am okay.

dont' have any real words of wisdom tonight other than I am finding my way back to strict diet and exercise and looking forward to treating myself to a trip to Vegas. just decided that at this moment in time...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

a new start

well... a lot has been happening with me over the past few days. I have been so busy getting my kids ready for school and writing checks my ass can't cash... LOL...that I somewhat fell off the JC wagon. I still have managed to lose thru it all so obviously my choices weren't the best but weren't the worst either. anyhoo... I am back on the bandwagon today and ready to see a nice result of my extra efforts this week. I decided to drop my class again...I am too overwhelmed and need a fresh start with that as well. wish me luck!

well I need to go eat and wake up the boy for his first day of 5th grade!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

what is wrong with me?

doing okay with the whole food issues, but getting thru this class I am in... I can't seem to motivate and I am letting down team members and I don't know why I do this? I am so close to the finish line and once this class is over I will have a break until November. It is depressing to be honest with you and I wonder if I am trading in one problem for another. I seem to be controlling the food and letting school get out of control. I hate this - I really do. I am embarrassed to check in to my class because I have been such a slacker and that is not like me with school. I have to to do it today because I cannot drop the class...although I probably should! uuuggghhhh...