Tuesday, August 28, 2007

attitude attitude

o.k. I admit it ~ I am motivated but have to say I have had twinges of it wavering a bit. Haven't gone off the program or even thought of going off the program but was ... I don't know how to put it... wanting something else? self sabotage? don't know for sure. I went to my weigh in and have lost another 2.8 lbs this week for a total of 15.3 . It pumped me up and got that little bit of out of focus attitude back in focus. went to get measurements done but little change. Consultant figured they were done wrong in the 1st place because with this much weight loss in 4 weeks should show more and I can literally feel it in my clothes. Especially up top if you catch my drift!! anyhoo... I am getting ready to start the chat brats challenge and looking forward to having a great support system of exercise buddies.

I just want to say that nothing is worth deterring from the plan. that doesn't mean that life won't throw you some curves, it is just a matter of staying in the box and hitting the next ball!

OH... Picture is courtesy of Ruth. It was taken Aug 20th / 2007.
I have her photography website links and if you need a photographer she is your gal! she is awesome, has great touch up skills - should have seen my before picture!! LOL - check it out