Sunday, September 2, 2007

what is wrong with me?

doing okay with the whole food issues, but getting thru this class I am in... I can't seem to motivate and I am letting down team members and I don't know why I do this? I am so close to the finish line and once this class is over I will have a break until November. It is depressing to be honest with you and I wonder if I am trading in one problem for another. I seem to be controlling the food and letting school get out of control. I hate this - I really do. I am embarrassed to check in to my class because I have been such a slacker and that is not like me with school. I have to to do it today because I cannot drop the class...although I probably should! uuuggghhhh...

1 comment:

J Duarte said...

Don't let weight loss control your school performance. I know you want to just concentrate just on the weight loss but it is best to have something like school to keep you busy. The more you keep busy you will be less likely think to over eat. Good luck on your school projects. You can do it! Go Cathy! Go Cathy!