Monday, September 24, 2007

hard work pays off

I weighed in on Sunday and lost SIX POUNDS! I have to say that I did have an off JC day following my weigh in but according to the scales this a.m. it did not cost me any gain... so back on the program full force today and the goal of the week is to get my veggies in. I don't eat a whole lot of those. just ate the SW Chx burrito... YUCK! won't be having that again. I think I am too much of a taco lover to eat this mystery burrito!


If it is to be it is up to me! said...

SIX POUNDS is crazy good! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

You go girl that is GREAT!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

J Duarte said...

Wow 6 pounds! Congrats on your loss, you see im glad you stuck to the plan. Awesome! You Rock!

Haha mystrey burrito is good, im not a picky eater send it over, haha