Thursday, April 17, 2008

water and progress

so I am bombing on the daily blog goal - aarrgghhh... been so busy at work when I think to blog, but I am here now anyways. have dropped a couple of pounds but have had a few cheats with Kahluah Mocha's (Coffee drink, non alcoholic). I think the difference has been my water intake has increased and I need to double it still and then double that ... I'll just keep pluggin' along. I am just not willing to give up on myself.. as long as I continue in the right direction -


J Duarte said...

Yes Cathy!!! drink that water... Congrats on your loss! This week been a busy one for me too. trying to clock in 45 miles running this week. :) weigh in is on Sunday for me now. Stay Strong!!!

J Duarte said...

Cathy no blogs this week??????????????????????????????????????????????????


J Duarte said...

Fellow Blogger take some before pictures before you start hitting the gym. It truly helps!

If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Hi Cathy,

It's been so long since we've touched base! I hope everything is going well for you! I have 19.4 more pounds to lose. It seems to be coming off slower and slower but I'm not stopping now!

Can you believe all the running JD is doing? What an inspiration he is!

Have a good week!

J Duarte said...

your trip is nearing... blog about your weight loss. :) I know you are doing much better this time around. Good Job Coach!!

J Duarte said...

just checking to see if you blogged anything :)

keep me posted. This blog keeps you in line!