Monday, October 1, 2007

finding blessings and finding focus

Here I am at work ... eehhh hhuuhh... waiting for the phone to ring really...

anyways, in all seriousness, I am so blessed to be part of a support group thru blogging that I keep in touch with. This is a special group that truly seems to care for each other and our successes and "bumps in the road". It is that unconditional support and although it has always been wonderful and nice and all it really hit me this morning how blessed I really am by it. It makes me want to work harder for myself and for the team we have built. No one really knows what it is like to have a large amount of weight to loose unless you have walked in those shoes. Having to lose any amount of weight bonds people, but the true struggle and the fact that your lifestyle MUST change to be successful I believe can bond those who have more to lose on a different level. Maybe I am just being sentimental or over processing my feelings right now... all I know is being judged for who I am and not what I eat, don't eat, want to eat, have eaten is a good feeling. So I start October with a vengance and ready to see a real weight loss for this month so I reach those goals of a cute swimsuit for Hawaii, lessen the fear of heart disease and diabetes!!! and to get on those rollercoasters and airplanes worry free! It is those small things in life that seem to add up!!


If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Cathy, you put it into perspective for me too! September has been a rollercoaster month for me and it can only get better in October!

I am also grateful for the friendships here and it is wonderful to know that we really can lean on each other no matter what! I don't have a big circle of friends so everyone's friendship means a lot, even if we have never met face to face! It is like having a brother and sisters who can really relate to me.

Now lets plow through October with a vengence!!!!

Cathy said...

I am with ya girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to say I too am so grateful for the frienships that we share here, I know that I have not been posting or blogging alot but like Traci said, September was a rollercoaster for me as well. I want to thank you for allowing me into this wonderful Team, what a great feeling it is to share with you and everyone else. Hugs to you.

J Duarte said...

Day 2 on Meals on your own, so how does it feel? You are doing a great Job!


Cathy said...

not bad. doing the right things for the most part...need to eat more veggies! always been a downfall for me... but I have not gained and my scale keeps moving between over 1-lb loss and .5 lb loss... but a loss is a loss!!!

If it is to be it is up to me! said...

I can't weigh at home because my scales need a new battery. I'm afraid to even try to trust them!! Maybe it is better that I don't. When I first started JC I did not even weigh at home and didn't have the stress that goes along with it. Plus, I lost well. Maybe the scale is satan in disguise. You never know!

So we need to help Cathy love some kinds of veggies!!! I can't seem to do the fruits because they are too tart. I like me some sweets!

J Duarte said...

I hope you had a good weigh in this weekend! Cheers!