Monday, October 8, 2007

here I am

I have not given up the battle, just been absent from it. Life has been so hectic with school and I have such a hard time finishing a class I have focused on that for the most part. Okay there probably was a few days I laid on the couch and watched reality TV. But I have filled up the freezer with the food I need to eat, I have got my mind wrapped back around what I set out to do. I enjoyed my day off yesterday with a wonderful brunch yesterday on the waterfront... Fresh crab - dipped in melted butter... I did eat some veggies and a great apple salad... and ok, I'll admit it! I had 1 strawberry, 1 pineapple, 1 chunck of biscotti dipped in the chocolate fountain. Where we were seated I put myself up against the wall so I could not have easy access to constantly fill up my plate. I did pretty well with that stratedgy! So I am ready for the next 20 to come off and it is time to get serious again and put up those blinders and take myself away from tempting places. My bloggin buddies both did 5K's this last weekend and I am so proud of them!!!
oh... I have not weighed in for two weeks now! I had to cancel 2 sunday's ago because I was so sick, and then they cancelled on me yesterday!!! so I think I will again change my weigh ins to Friday during my lunch time then I can come back to work and fill my freezer up here with my food!!
just wanted to check in, fess up, be accountable...


J Duarte said...

Cathy Its all ok, we understand your stuggle, we are in the same boat! Great to see you ready as can be to get 20 more off. You are definatly doing super! Way to go!

If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Hey Cathy! We all need to re-group and re-energize once in a while. We are human and feel your pain. This is such a HUGE event (losing weight) that there are bound to be some bumps in the road. Remember, when you are going throug hell, KEEP GOING!

It is super nice having you in the group. I'm sending some skinny vibes with my message today! I know you'll have a great week!

Cathy said...

having a great day today...even had a few "issues" that triggered an old response but I didn't fall for it! thanks for the support.