Wednesday, October 10, 2007

what a difference a day makes

so I have been fighting this rut / I am homecoming poor... trying to recoup from spending too much on the gown - flowers - dinner and such ... BUT I had a bit of a wake up call today as I have been made aware of something... (yes talking in code... but for those of you in "the loop" you get it)... I needed this swift kick in the ass to get moving. I do know this is for me, but it also can play a role in what lies ahead for me too and I needed that reminder and *hope*... we'll see where it goes.

all I know is I am coming back with a vengance and ready to go!


If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Can I join you?

J Duarte said...

Can i join you too? Wait' what am I joining first? haha

Have a great weigh in this weekend!

Cathy said...

all aboard I say!!!!

had a great work out yesterday and I am actually excited to weigh in on Saturday a.m.

thanks for the support guys!!!! we seriously need to plan a "get together" somewhere in the middle!